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Saturday, April 23, 2016

President Obama tells young to 'reject cynicism'

US President Barack Obama has urged young people to "reject pessimism and cynicism" and "know that progress is possible and problems can be solved".
Speaking in London, he said: "Take a longer, more optimistic view of history."
Earlier, the US president visited the Globe theatre and watched actors perform scenes from Hamlet. 
It came a day after he said Britain would be at "the back of the queue" for US trade deals if it left the EU. 
His comments angered Leave campaigners. UK leader Nigel Farage accused him of doing Downing Street's "bidding" and "talking down Britain" and Tory Liam Fox said his views were "irrelevant".
Asked at the town-hall event about his legacy as president, Mr Obama said: "I'll look at a scorecard at the end... I think that I have been true to myself."
He referred to changes he had made to the US healthcare system. "That's something I'm proud of," he said.
"And saving the world economy from a great depression, that was pretty good."
Asked about dealing with political opponents, Mr Obama said: "Seek out people who don't agree with you. That will teach you to compromise.
"Compromise does not mean surrendering what you believe."

    Mr Obama's comments came on the second full day of his three-day visit to the UK. Later Mr Obama will meet Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. 
    The US president's intervention on the EU issue comes just weeks ahead of the 23 June in-out referendum.
    Speaking at a joint news conference with Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday, Mr Obama said the US "wants Britain's influence to grow - including within Europe". 
    "The UK is at its best when it's helping to lead a strong European Union. It leverages UK power to be part of the EU. 
    "I don't think the EU moderates British influence in the world, it magnifies it."

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