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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Illegal Tattooists Are 'A Danger To Health'

Councils are calling for tougher sentences for illegal tattooists who they accuse of tempting children with "pocket money" prices.
The Local Government Association (LGA) claims illegal tattooists - also known as 'scratchers' - are putting people at risk of catching hepatitis and HIV.
It says they often use cheap equipment bought online and fail to sterilise their 'studios' - often kitchens or garden sheds.
The LGA is also urging online retailers to provide warnings to children on the dangers of using DIY tattoo kits, which can be bought for less than £25.
Although people have to be 18 to have a tattoo or tattoo someone else, there is nothing to stop anyone tattooing themselves.
Almost one in three people aged 25-34 in the UK are said to have at least one tattoo and there are more than 1,500 licensed tattoo parlours in the country.
Councillor Morris Bright, vice chairman of the LGA's Safer and Stronger Communities Board, said: "Illegal tattooists operating under the radar pose a real danger to people's health.
They can use unsterilised equipment that seriously increases the risk of spreading diseases such as hepatitis or HIV, and causing permanent, ugly scarring.
"Unregulated tattooists are also associated with bad tattoos, which require expensive work to put right, and because they've been done illegally, you won't have normal customers' rights."
Cllr Bright added: "These unregistered tattooists are undermining legitimate businesses and are often willing to illegally tattoo children by tempting them with pocket money prices, which can cause damage that lasts a lifetime.
"This issue is becoming more rife as people set up businesses from home and tattoo equipment is becoming more widely available and cheaper on the internet."
The LGA says anyone having a tattoo should check if the parlour is registered with the local council and the artist has undergone recognised training.
They should also:
:: Ask to see examples of the person's work
:: Make sure tattoos are done with new needles
:: Check that a proper tattoo ink is being used and that it is sterile at the start of the treatment
The LGA says the tattoo artist should always wash their hands and put on a fresh pair of medical-type gloves before each new procedure.

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