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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Government approves fracking at one site in Lancashire

The Government has approved fracking for shale gas at one site in Lancashire but has asked for more information on another.
Permission has been granted for the extraction of shale gas from Preston New Road, near to Blackpool.
An application to drill at the Roseacre site, nearby, has been delayed.
It is understood the Government is minded to approve the permit for Roseacre but wants more time to look at further evidence.
Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Communities said: "The decisions follow extensive consideration of all the evidence, including an independent planning inspector's report and evidence submitted during a two week public inquiry.
"Shale gas has the potential to power economic growth, support 64,000 jobs, and provide a new domestic energy source, making us less reliant on imports.
"When it comes to the financial benefits of shale, our plans mean local communities benefit first.
"We will take the big decisions that matter to the future of our country as we build an economy that works for everyone, not just the privileged few."
Mr Javid's decision was made using new powers that allow him to overturn decisions made by local councils.
In mid-2015, Lancashire County Council rejected a planning application from Cuadrilla to carry out fracking at the two sites, on the basis that the work would cause too much traffic and noise.
Soon after, the power was given to Secretary of State to call in the decision and change it if an applicant could argue it was in the wider interest.
The decision was attacked by environmental groups and people living in the communities affected.
Pat Davies, Chair of Preston New Road Action Group, said: "This is a sad day as it is clear to all that this government neither listens nor can it be trusted to do the right thing for local communities."
She said it was "deplorable" that an industry rejected by local councils on every level "has inflicted itself on Preston New Road".
Friends of the Earth north-west campaigner, Helen Rimmer, added: "This fight continues until this unproven and unpopular industry disappears for good."
The decision was welcomed by Cuadrilla, whose chief executive Francis Egan, told Sky News: "It's a great result for the people of Lancashire and also a great result for the whole country because of the energy security that we can now start to explore, and replace some of the gas that we are importing at great expense to this country."
The fracking process - in which liquid is pumped deep underground at high pressure to fracture shale rock and release gas - remains highly controversial.
Protesters say it can cause earthquakes, pollute water, lead to damaging development in the countryside and hit house prices.
Licences have been granted to explore for the potential to frack across swathes of southern and northern England.
Theresa May said earlier this year that homes hit by the process could receive thousands of pounds in payouts.
But with many of the areas that could be affected represented by Conservative MPs, the issue has the potential to divide the Tories. 
Barbara Richardson, of the Roseacre Awareness Group, said: "While we are happy that there will be no fracking in Roseacre, our joy is obviously tempered by the decision to allow fracking to go ahead elsewhere in Lancashire. We will do what we can to support our friends at Preston New Road in their continuing fight."

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