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Friday, March 3, 2017

MI6 releases cinema adverts in attempt to recruit more diverse candidates

MI6 has distanced itself from the James Bond image in a new recruitment campaign aimed at attracting more diverse employees.

An advert, to run in cinemas from Monday, shows a mixed-race woman in her twenties going about everyday life - running, in a restaurant and working at a flower stall.

She displays skills required to work for MI6 - teamwork, dealing with delicate situations, and the ability to read emotions.

The ad concludes by saying that she could be an intelligence officer.

It is a deliberate strategy to move away from the stereotype of a white male who went to Oxbridge, jumps out of planes, shoots guns and is kitted up with fancy gadgets.

MI6 says it is focusing particularly on black and Asian recruits and doesn't want people to rule themselves out of a career with the agency because they don't fit the Bond image.

MI6, officially known as the Secret Intelligence Service, has also reintroduced the technique of "tapping up" potential intelligence officers, a tactic that characterised their early recruitment in Oxford and Cambridge colleges.

The "tap on the shoulder" will now be done in a range of organisations and settings, again to get away from the classic Oxbridge "type".

The agency is looking for intelligence officers to work on the front line of MI6 operations. That could include 'targeters' who identify people who might have access to secret information and could be willing to work as agents, 'case officers' who cultivate and build relationships with agents, and 'R officers' - analysts who liaise with other governments.

Although not specifically mentioned, it is no secret that MI6 is expanding its teams who specialise in Russia.

Recent adverts for the Secret Intelligence Service have been unbranded, tempting people to take online challenges and only then revealing the MI6 connection if successful.

This new advert, which is branded, is the first of its kind for MI6. It will run for one month in cinemas across London, the Midlands and the North West.

Specific films have been selected, across a wide range of genres.

Head of MI6, Alex Younger, said: "My message has always been simple: MI6's success is thanks to our people. I want everyone to know that, regardless of background, if you have the skills we need and share our values, there is a future for you in MI6.

"I want people to see our advert and know that there is a place for them in our team."

MI6 gets thousands of applications each year, and many applicants go on to have successful careers in the service.

Candidates must have a 2:2 degree or above and be over 21 years old.

The agency says it places particular emphasis on emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, a public service ethos, mental sharpness, an interest in foreign affairs and cultures, a desire to live and work overseas, sound judgement, integrity, team working and being technologically savvy.

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