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Friday, May 26, 2017

Mystery as Australian police investigate abandoned SOS made from rocks

Police are trying to solve the mystery of who made an SOS out of rocks in a remote part of Western Australia.

The message was recently spotted by a pilot flying over the Kimberley area of Swift Bay.

Police searched the area - which could only be reached by air because of the rugged surrounding terrain - but failed to find any sign of recent human activity.

They did, however, find the remains of a campsite at the scene.

Investigators are now appealing for public help to establish if anyone may have gone missing in the area, which is around 300 miles (500km) north of the city of Broome.

One of the few signs of civilisation in the area is a camping resort only accessible by light aircraft and helicopter or float plane.

It boasts on its website: "From the moment you step onto the white beach 'doorstep' at Kimberley Coastal Camp, you feel like you are one of very few people for hundreds of kilometres. You are."

Senior Sgt Peter Reeves told the Australia's ABC network that the message could have been there for years.

He said: "There are indications that there may have been someone camped there at one point in time, but it is just not clear how long ago that was."

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