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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Frantic push for votes on eve of General Election

A frantic dash for votes all over the country is being made by all the party leaders as the General Election campaign reaches its final day.

Theresa May is expected to make five visits across England, Jeremy Corbyn six in Scotland, Wales and England and Tim Farron six across England.

Their aim, in the final hours of the election campaign, is to win over voters who are still undecided and make sure their supporters turn out on polling day.

The Prime Minister, who began the campaign promising "strong and stable leadership" on Brexit, has been forced in the final days to turn to pledges on fighting terrorism.

Vote 2017: Comprehensive guide to election night

The Borough Market attack, coming less than two weeks after the Manchester bombing, has prompted criticism by opponents of cuts in police numbers when she was Home Secretary.

Just hours before embarking on her final-day dash, Mrs May vowed at a rally with activists in Slough to tear up human rights laws if they stop her from tackling terrorism.

Promising more powers for police and security chiefs, the Prime Minister said: "I mean longer prison sentences for people convicted of terrorist offences.

"I mean making it easier for the authorities to deport foreign terrorist suspects back to their own countries.

"And I mean doing more to restrict the freedom and the movements of terrorist suspects when we have enough evidence to know they are a threat, but not enough evidence to prosecute them in full in court.

"And if our human rights laws stop us from doing it, we will change the laws so we can do it."

After being used sparingly by the Tories during the election campaign, Boris Johnson was the warm-up act for the PM and launched a typically colourful attack on Mr Corbyn.

The Foreign Secretary claimed the "herbivorous" Labour leader would be "eaten for breakfast" by Brussels bureaucrats in Brexit negotiations.

Philip May, the PM's husband, was also at the Slough rally, making what was thought to be his first appearance out on the campaign trail.

Attacking the PM's human rights vow, Mr Corbyn said: "You can't keep our country safe on the cheap.

"Theresa May is refusing to put in the resources that are needed. She has slashed funding for the police, our courts system and border force.

"I will do everything necessary and effective to keep our people safe. We will always keep the law under review, but don't believe would-be terrorists and suicide bombers will be deterred by longer sentences or restricting our rights at home."

Earlier Mr Corbyn said, at a noisy and high-spirited rally in Birmingham, that Labour is "going all-out" to win the General Election and show its doubters that the party is "real, serious and here".

Supported celebrities including comedian Steve Coogan, the Labour leader addressed a crowd of around 6,000 at an event that was beamed to rallies in Barry, Brighton, Glasgow, London and Warrington.

Mr Corbyn promised to leave "no place untouched, no stone unturned" in the final hours of the campaign and claimed: "We are going all-out to win this election."

Mr Farron, who is seeing the Liberal Democrats squeezed in an election that looks like a return to two-party politics, also attacked the Prime Minister's anti-terror proposals.

"Theresa May is simply posturing about being tough on terror as she panics that her abysmal record is coming under scrutiny," he said.

"In her years as home secretary she was willing to offer up the police for cut after cut. We have been here before - a kind of nuclear arms race in terror laws.

"It might give the appearance of action, but what the security services lack is not more power, but more resources. All she would do is reduce freedom, not terrorism."

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