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Friday, June 2, 2017

Theresa May accused of 'dereliction of duty' over Trump climate move

Theresa May is under fierce attack from opponents for her response to Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

In a statement issued three hours after the US President's announcement at the White House, the Prime Minister expressed "disappointment" at the decision.

But as senior Conservatives expressed their dismay, the PM was attacked by Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish National Party for failing to protest in more robust terms.

Labour claimed the PM was guilty of a "dereliction of duty" and "failing to raise the quietest peep" in protest, while the Lib Dems said that after holding the President's hand she should "hold his feet to the fire".

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon accused Mrs May of an "appalling abdication of leadership" for failing to join Europe's other G7 members - France, Germany and Italy - in rejecting Mr Trump's call to renegotiate the deal.

Reacting to the controversial announcement, a Downing Street spokesperson said: "President Trump called the Prime Minister this evening to discuss his decision to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement.

"The Prime Minister expressed her disappointment with the decision and stressed that the UK remained committed to the Paris Agreement, as she set out recently at the G7.

"She said that the Paris Agreement provides the right global framework for protecting the prosperity and security of future generations, while keeping energy affordable and secure for our citizens and businesses.

"The President made clear that the door remains open to future US involvement in the agreement.

"The Prime Minister and President agreed on the importance of continued cooperation on wider energy issues."

In a statement on Twitter shortly after Mr Trump's announcement, Business Secretary Greg Clark said: "UK played a major role in securing Paris Agreement and we are committed to it.

"Clean growth a key pillar of our modern industrial strategy."

Michael Howard, the former Conservative Party leader and a former environment secretary, also said that the UK's interests were served by maintaining its commitment to the UN process.

"It is clear that the UK's interests do not lie in allowing Mr Trump's position to sway our own; we can be friends, while agreeing to differ on this issue," he said.

"We have done very well from the UN climate convention - in the 25 years since Sir John Major and I negotiated it, Britons' wealth has grown faster than citizens of any other G7 nation, and our emissions have fallen further.

"Doing our fair share to combat climate change is clearly not harming our economy.

"As the Government seeks enhanced relationships with other nations around the world, maintaining our strong and stable commitment to reduce our carbon emissions while helping poorer countries do the same can only be a sensible strategy."

Image:Donald Trump and Theresa May held hands during her visit to the White House

In a tweet, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "Pulling out of the Paris climate deal is reckless and regressive. Instead of hand-holding, I'll work for a sustainable future for our planet."

But Labour's shadow foreign secretary, Emily Thornberry, went much further, attacking the Prime Minister for not protesting against the President's decision.

After criticising Mr Trump for "an act of global, generational vandalism... inflicting damage that our grandchildren will be unable to undo", she moved on to his "so-called 'closest allies' in our own Tory government, who have failed to raise even the quietest peep in protest".

She said: "Even earlier today, while Trump's decision hung in the balance and leaders around the world were pressuring him to do the right thing, all Theresa May could say was: It's up to the President to decide."

Image:Emily Thornberry says Mr Trump is committing 'global, generational vandalism'

"That is a total dereliction of her duty, both to our country and our planet, and it is not just her lack of backbone that has been exposed during this campaign, but her hopelessness at diplomacy and negotiation."

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron urged the Prime Minister to use any influence she may have over the US President to urge him to reverse his decision.

In a direct appeal to Mrs May, who was the first foreign leader to visit Mr Trump following his inauguration, Mr Farron said: "You have gone to Washington to hold Donald Trump's hand, now is the time to hold his feet to the fire.

"If the special relationship between the Prime Minister and Mr Trump actually exists, it exists for moments like this.

"We need to make him see sense on climate change.

"Prime Minister: if your special relationship with Donald Trump means anything, prove it."

London Mayor Sadiq Khan said: "Now more than ever world leaders must recognise the threat of climate change and join forces to protect public health, reduce toxic pollution and help sustain a greener planet.

"The President of the USA's decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord is profoundly regrettable."

Green Party co-leader Caroline Lucas said: "We are the climate movement. We will not be stopped by Trump.

"We are stronger. We will win."

But the UKIP leader Paul Nuttall said: "Trump says he will withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Trump gets elected. Trump withdraws. That's democracy, folks."

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