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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Jennifer Lawrence Reveals Her All-Time Favorite Swear Word

Joy star Jennifer Lawrence sat down with Glamour to discuss her greatest food invention, her favorite swear word and, generally, to “tell it like it is.”
“Hi, I’m Jennifer Lawrence,” she begins. “Have you been hiding under a rock? How would you not know that?”
The first question she tackles is about her signature scent — which she says is probably just red wine. “I’m sure it’s always seeping from my pores. I smell like a cabernet.” Next, she discusses her best food invention, which is something called a “chili pizza sandwich,” which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like.
J.Law is notorious for her potty mouth, so she also revealed her all-time favorite swear word: f–kery. “I feel like everyone gets that. This is a bunch of f–kery. And it’s not technically a word but it makes complete sense and comes out of my mouth a lot.”
Lawrence also discusses how physically tough women are and who she’d call to help her hide a body.

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