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Friday, January 8, 2016

US Marshals Raid Tech Show's Hoverboard Booth

Onlookers said people working on the Changzhou First International Trade Co stall were stunned.
A team of marshals were seen confiscating products and merchandising material, which the US Department of Justice say is related to a civil case.
It follows a patent infringement claim filed by a Silicon Valley-based rival, and the case is set to reach court in the next few days.
The firm's hoverboard model - featuring a single central wheel rather than one at each end - is similar to California-based Future Motion's Onewheel vehicle.
The Onewheel uses sensors and computer controls to balance the board, which are covered by two key patents stopping rivals using similar technology for free.
The first covers the vehicle's design and the second covers the technology which makes it self-stabilising.
Changzhou sells its device for the equivalent of £375 on the Alibaba shopping website - about a third of the price of the Onewheel product.
Before CES launched earlier this week, organisers announced that travelling around the event on hoverboards was banned due to safety risks.
Some of the devices have recently burst into flames due to problems with their batteries.

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