An artificial intelligence-powered Twitter account which has learned to tweet like Donald Trump has been developed at one of America's top universities.
'Deep Drumpf' was created by post-doctoral student Bradley Hayes by inputting the US presidential hopeful's recent primary season victory speeches.
The artificial intelligence system developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) then spotted his speech patterns and analysed his most-used words.
Mr Hayes said he chose to use Mr Trump over the other presidential candidates because his language is easier to process.
He said: "Trump's language tends to be more simplistic, so I figured that, as a modelling problem, he would be the most manageable candidate to study."
The algorithm works by learning the underlying structure from all the data it gets, and then comes up with different combinations of the data it was taught.
The bot randomly picks a first letter, then follows with the next-most likely letter.
It keeps building the tweet until the 140-character limit is reached.
But the bot is a hit-and-miss effort - some make no sense, but when they are correct they are indistinguishable from the billionaire businessman.
The Twitter account's name - @DeepDrumpf - is a reference to his ancestors who changed the family to Trump from Drumpf.
Mr Trump once said: "One of my ancestors, a winegrower, changed the family name to Trump at the end of the 1600s - a good move, I think, since Drumpf Tower doesn't sound nearly as catchy."
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