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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

North Korea 'has miniature nuclear warhead', says Kim Jong-un

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has claimed that his scientists have developed miniaturised nuclear warheads that fit on ballistic missiles.
North Korean state media has said before that nuclear warheads have been miniaturised, but this is the first time Mr Kim has been quoted directly.
The notoriously secretive state said it detonated a hydrogen bomb in January, but experts dispute the claim.
The validity of the country's nuclear boasts has been widely questioned.
"The nuclear warheads have been standardized to be fit for ballistic missiles by miniaturising them," state media agency KCNA quoted him as saying as he inspected a nuclear facility.
can be called true nuclear deterrent," he added.
Mr Kim also inspected nuclear warheads designed for thermo-nuclear reaction - the type used in a hydrogen bomb - KCNA said. 
The UN Security Council imposed harsh new sanctions on the isolated state last week over the January nuclear test, which experts say was not likely to be a hydrogen bomb, as North Korea claimed.
In return, Pyongyang has stepped up its belligerent rhetoric through state media.
Last week, Mr Kim ordered his country to be ready to use nuclear weapons at any time in the face of growing threats from enemies.

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