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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Did Israel-Based Firm Help FBI Crack iPhone?

A company's stock is soaring after reports claimed it helped the FBI to crack the iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters.
Japanese technology firm Suncorp owns Cellebrite, the Israel-based company that may have helped the agency to bypass the iPhone's security features.
Its shares soared 17% on Tuesday after the FBI had announced that it had "successfully accessed" the data stored on Syed Farook's iPhone.
On Monday, the FBI purchased £151,000-worth of IT supplies from Cellebrite, which was the same day the government announced its breakthrough.
However, neither Suncorp nor the FBI has confirmed that Cellebrite was involved in unlocking the phone.
As a result of cracking the phone, the Justice Department withdrew a court order compelling Apple to help access the phone.
The device is thought to contain evidence relating to the massacre in December that left 14 people dead.
Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, also wounded 22 others before they were killed in a shoot-out with police.
Federal prosecutors said "an outside party" had come forward with a possible method for unlocking the encrypted phone.
The US government had obtained a court order requiring Apple to write new software to disable passcode protectors, which they can use on the phone.
But Apple fought the order, warning that the software could fall into the hands of hackers and threaten the security of all encrypted devices.
Numerous tech giants including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo publicly backed Apple, alongside civil liberties groups and privacy advocates.

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